Mini Farm Goals
Our mini farm consists of 0.84 acres, including 2 small
pasture areas (largest is ~0.5 ac, 2nd pasture area is ~0.16 ac and a homesite acreage of approx.. 0.25
ac.), a 2000 sq ft, 4 stall large livestock barn + sheep/goat barn/tack room
and goat shed. All areas can be farmed to some extent and used for gardening,
but animal husbandry will occur solely on the back 2/3 of the property. Gardening
areas will be located behind barn (largest garden area with full sun exposure for entirety of day), along with small
garden plots in the front pasture with full southern exposure, backyard and front yard where growing
conditions would be favorable.
1) Produce at least 50% of our food in the next 2 years and increasing production in subsequent years to ultimately produce 75%+ of our food for a family of 8+.
2) Raise chickens for meat and eggs (can have comfortably 20 birds in current coop. Can add an additional 12-15 meat bird coop to chicken stall).
3) Keep goats for milk (maybe 4-6?)
4)Grow fodder for our animals in the winter (late Nov-early May)
5) Start with beekeeping. Sell honey, beeswax & value added products (lip balms, salves, lotions, etc.)
1) Produce at least 50% of our food in the next 2 years and increasing production in subsequent years to ultimately produce 75%+ of our food for a family of 8+.
2) Raise chickens for meat and eggs (can have comfortably 20 birds in current coop. Can add an additional 12-15 meat bird coop to chicken stall).
3) Keep goats for milk (maybe 4-6?)
4)Grow fodder for our animals in the winter (late Nov-early May)
5) Start with beekeeping. Sell honey, beeswax & value added products (lip balms, salves, lotions, etc.)
How will we meet these goals?
To meet Goal
#1 –
bio-intensive gardening techniques using straw bale gardening. Also learn to
extend growing season to grow greens and hardier vegetables through the winter
months. Planting a small orchard, grape vines and berry bushes would also help
to increase our self sufficiency (depends on timeframe for us staying in this
home). Set up greenhouse ASAP. Begin seriously composting to recycle chicken
manure, bedding and garden/household green matter.
To meet Goal
#2 –
Already in
progress. We have 14 hens and 4 roosters. Have been raising egg layers since
April 2012. Started with 11 hens, 1 rooster. Would need to add another coop
specifically for the meat birds. Have squeamishness about butchering chickens
myself. Would need someone to train me or hire someone to do it. Local mobile
slaughterers have a 25 bird min. and charge $2-3/bird. Sell eggs to offset costs OR start making our
own feed from scratch/growing food for chickens. Latter would be easier to
accomplish as our family goes through eggs quickly. Ideally need a 30+ layer
flock to keep up with egg needs for 8 people.
To meet Goal
#3 –
Would need to
upgrade fencing/repair existing fencing AND install at least 2 levels of
electric fence wire. Would need to buy/build milking stanchion. Multiple local goat dairies to purchase
quality dairy stock – la mancha, saanan, alpine or nubian
To meet Goal
#4 –
Find a local
supplier for bulk unhulled livestock grain. Would need a relatively heated area
to sprout grasses; trays; soaker hoses. Unlikely to happen in the house we’re
in bc of space issues. Maybe a greenhouse?
To meet Goal
#5 –
Order hive
and bee nuc. Get registered with state as a licensed apiary. Order books about
how to keep bees. Get over fear of stinging insects. :)
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