Thursday, December 19, 2013

Mr. Roo

Today was it. I have had enough. Our new rooster, the big Buff one, has been placed up for sale. He's a beautiful boy, but he's been so mean to my Mr. Roo! It's either him or Mr. Roo. Hubby and I picked Mr. Roo. The other roos are being absolute gentlemen. No issues whatsoever, but this one...damn. He hunts my poor bird. Prevents him from eating all day, so he's starting to lose weight.The poor thing is completely emasculated and actually whimpers. Ever heard a rooster whimper? It tears at your heart strings. Mr. Roo won't roost in the coop anymore, so he's been roosting outside until I can find him to put him up. Between the not eating and roosting alone in the cold, in 20 degree or lower temps that's basically a death sentence if it goes on any longer.

Tonight we're having freezing rain, which means cold, and in the morning ICE. Not looking forward to tomorrow. But, hopefully, tomorrow someone will come get this rooster. I need my Mr. Roo back to his old self.

On the brighter side, I found a bunch of eggs! I think the girls we took in are starting to lay again. 6 eggs! Our latest daily tally for eggs has been 2-3. Yippee!

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